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import>Ice Wolf Loki
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==Full Summary==
Max, Original Cindy, Sketchy, Alec, and Logan are all hanging out at Crash. For the most part, they’re all watching Alec beat people at pool. As he polishes off another victory, he begins scouting for another opponent. No one is interested until he comes to Logan; Logan agrees, as long as he can break. Logan executes a good break and proceeds to sink several shots as Alec looks on, impressed. As Logan takes aim for another shot, Alec distracts him by asking if he would like a beer, and Logan misses. Alec takes over and sinks several balls of his own. As Alec sets up to take a difficult shot, Logan asks, “Sure you don’t wanna bank it?” Alec replies, “I’m sure,” then misses the shot. Logan takes control of the table again, putting more balls into the pockets. His last shot before the eight-ball shot is a difficult one—he’ll have to “jump” the cue ball over one of Alec’s balls to hit his into a side pocket. As he takes aim, Sketchy and Alec come along side him and speculate whether he’ll make it. “Guys?” Logan mutters. “Beat it!” They move back, and Logan makes the shot!. Max grins and remarks to OC, “You gotta admit, that was pretty cool!” OC replies, “Silly boys playing with their sticks and balls… I may vomit!”
Logan has one shot left—the eight-ball. Alec ups the wager by betting $50 that Logan will miss this last shot. Logan takes aim, banks the shot on the side, and in it goes! Max saunters over to Logan to congratulate him and hands him a mug of beer. As she does, their fingers touch. Max panics and orders Logan to go wash his hands. Alec wonders why she’s freaking out, and OC reminds him of the virus and the fact that they can’t touch. Logan returns and reassures Max that he’s all right. She’s clearly upset as she remarks, “I could have killed you over a stupid game of pool!” Logan tries to lighten the situation by saying, “I thought it was a very satisfying game of pool; wanna get a drink?” Max is too distraught to lighten up, so she opts to take off and go home.
At a junkyard across town, a guy is talking to his dead, stuffedplastic dog and crunching cans to turn in for money. He hears a noise, tells the dog to stay, then gets hit in the face with some slime and is dragged away.
At Joshua’s, Max is trying to read the formulas on the papers from the Manticore doctor that are stuck in one of Joshua’s paintings. She has a breakthrough on one of the formulas and thanks Joshua for painting on the papers; otherwise, she might never have figured it out. She leaves to visit another technician. The technician looks at the formula and determines that it isn’t so much wrong as it is not right. He inquires as to the origin of the virus. Max blurts out the truth, but he doesn’t believe her. Since he doesn’t seem to be able to help her, Max asks for the papers back. The technician corrects himself saying the numbers were off, but the idea of luring the virus into a dead end protein coat is right. He likens it to a Pied Piper/Chuck Heston combination- “Take that, you damned, dirty virus!” All he needs is a blood sample and $20,000.
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