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Still in the junkyard, Max joins Logan in the backseat of a car. According to her pager, they have two minutes left. Logan remembers the night they took down Manticore when he thought he’d lost her. When he returned home, he just sat on his couch for days; he couldn’t move because it hurt too much. That’s how he feels now. Max wonders if maybe they shouldn’t have taken this chance. Logan counters that they had to, but they can’t keep going through this. If only he could go back to the year they wasted, being too afraid to admit their feelings for one another, he would have done things so differently. The silence is cut by the beeping of a pager. Logan leans in and kisses Max passionately, then gets out of the car. He turns back to her and says, “I love you, Max,” then walks away. Max replies, “I love you, too,” as a tear rolls down her cheek.
{{Cast Season 2}}
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'''Alec''': Is that the one where Capt Kirk dies?
*"Star Wars" and "Star Trek" are two very popular Sci-Fi series from movies and television. There are 6 Star Wars movies, and there are 10 Star Trek movies as well as 6 TV series.
==See Alsoalso==
|last = The Berrisford Agenda
|title = Borrowed Time