Breeding Cult: Difference between revisions

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The Breeding Cult (part of the Conclave) is a centuries old cult that has practised selective breeding for thousands of years. Sandeman, a former member, left to create Manticore which has the same purpose but embraces artificial DNA manipulation and eugenics. {{Faction
| imagename = Breeding Cult
| image=Breeding Cult.png
| species affiliation = [[Familiars]]
| real name= Breeding Cult
| leader =
| goal = to create a superior being
| members=
| allies = [[Conclave]]
| goal objective= to create a superior being
| enemies = [[Manticore]]
| species affiliation affiliations= [[Familiars]]
| status = active
| allies = [[Conclave]]
| first appearance=[[Designate This]]}}
'''The Breeding Cult''' (part of the Conclave) is a centuries -old cult that has practised selective breeding for thousands of years. Sandeman, a former member, left to create Manticore which has the same purpose but embraces artificial DNA manipulation and eugenics. {{Faction
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Males and females are selected to breed for one simple purpose: To produce people with superior abilities, who will eventually rule the world. It is customary for the males and females to have two children, and kill them both. The third child they have is kept alive, while the mother is then killed. [[Logan Cale]] discovers its strange brutal practices via an Indian Coloma myth. [[Donald Lydecker]] discovered skeletons fitting that practice.
==See AlsoBackground==
Earth passed through a comet's tail which deposited viral material that killed 97% of the human race. The breeding cult preserved the survivors' genetic immunity, so that when the comet returned, only members of the cult would survive. Sandeman, a cult member and Max's creator, betrayed the cult and decided to give this genetic immunity to the rest of humanity through Max, who would be the savior of the human race. There were multiple ideas on how to spread Max's immunity, including an air burst that would disperse the antibody through the atmosphere, or attaching the immunity to a common cold virus (Eglee detailed how a scene would show Original Cindy sneezing as part of the beginning of the immunity spread). This storyline is expanded upon in the final Dark Angel novel After the Dark though when the comet returns nobody falls ill, and it is believed that the cult simply had a false prediction.
'''[[Season 3]] was supposed to reveal this.