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[[Max]] first encountered Joshua in the catacombs of Manticore, and the two have been trusted friends ever since. He often copies some of the things she says, since he became unused to talking after [[Sandeman]] disappeared, and can seem simple but is actually very intelligent. Because of his beastly appearance, Max, [[Alec]], and [[Original Cindy]] must find creative ways to hide him from public view.
Joshua's random paint splashings give Alex an idea to make money passing them off as "art" to a modern art museum, which pays very good money.
Joshua had a brief romance with a blind woman named [[Annie Fisher]], before she was murdered by [[Ames White|Agent White]] to frame the transgenics. His enormous strength helped turn the tide in the climactic battle with the [[Breeding Cult|breeding cultists]].
Joshua had a brief romance with a blind woman named [[Annie Fisher]], before she was murdered by [[Ames White|Agent White]] to frame the transgenics. HisAfter enormousthat, strengthhe helpedshows turnthat thehe tidecan inpaint thereal climacticpictures battleby withpainting themany [[Breedinglife-like Cult|breedingpics cultists]]of Annie.
His enormous strength helped turn the tide in the climactic battle with the [[Breeding Cult|breeding cultists]]. He overpowered several of them who had the upper hand against other transgenics, then threw Agent White around like a rag doll. Joshua would have executed him for the murder of Annie if Max had not intervened.
==See Also==
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