X5 series: Difference between revisions

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*'''Enhanced regenerative capabilities:''' The X5s were engineered with a massive amount of raw stem cells in their blood, giving them and their blood accelerated healing abilities. They have been able to heal and fully recover from injuries such as gunshot wounds, broken bones, damaged organs, and pulled and/or torn muscles at incredible rates. When Max was shot it took a few hours for her to heal where she then fought a Conclave assassin & White, with no difficulty. Their blood also has regenerative properties as shown when Max's blood healed Logan's paralysis.
*'''Enhanced Senses:''' X5s senses are enhanced to levels passed human. Their eyesight to see at telescopic/microscopic levels, hear heartbeats from meters away, determine the chemical composition of objects by smell, dissect food ingredients by taste, and determine fabrics by touch.
*'''Enhanced Intellegence:'''In addition to their superior physique, X5s possess a genius level I.Q. and problem-solving skills. They are very gifted at assessing people and situations, which makes them highly adaptive to change and able to learn and mimic with extreme speed and accuracy.