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Revision as of 23:01, 15 September 2009

"Youve got those kids thinking your some kind of holy vampire"

Manticore Bio

While most transgenics where built to be the ultimate soldiers; Marrow (Manticore designation unkown) was creatated to be a human blood bank or has he puts it "the red cross". Manticore desighned all transgenics to be universal donners but in Marrow's case they decided to go further and create a being with perfect blood. They removed all blood impurities from his body and filled him with all the good stuff you can get in blood. His body therefore produces more blood than the average human or transgenic and also blood in its most pure form.  

It is unkown wheather Marrow was a sucsefull progect because while his blood produces super human abbilities in normal people, but at the expense of being highly addictive. Though it could be possible his blood was intended to only be used on transgenics.

Becuse of his appearance Marrow can not entirly pass for human and may be mistaken for an annomely. His genetic makup has given him a rather pale complection, ice blue eyes and most disturbingly large potruding veins stretching all over his body.