Breeding Cult

Revision as of 11:41, 22 January 2011 by (talk)

The Breeding Cult (part of the Conclave) is a centuries old cult that bases it's practices on an Indian Coloma myth. Sandeman, a former member, left to create Manticore which has the same purpose but embraces artificial DNA manipulation and eugenics.


The purpose of the Breeding Cult is to create the most superior human being possible.

The Breeding Cult opposes genetic manipulation of any kind, as that is the reason that Sandeman was forced to leave, as well as the reason they so hate the Transgenics.

Breeding Procedure

Males and females are selected to breed for the simple purpose to better the world. It is customary for the males and females to have two children, and kill them both. The third child they have is kept alive, while the mother is then killed.

See Also